Monday, September 8, 2014

Aus to Rosh Pinah - 171km

6th September 2014
Day 11-  6 hours on a bicycle! 

Blikskottel! We knew it was going to be a long day but hell no one asked for this much in kilometers. I said to Eugene, do as much as you can but not the whole bloody day. We have not cut any corners nor cheated but what was meant to be 2 days the bliksem did in 1 day. I am telling you the boy is a damn show off. It was a long  road and this time we decided to meet up every 40km. The normal time allocated was cut by nearly half and the conditions were good. At the first stop we had the normal fill up with coke and a naartjie but more importantly to exchange ideas and philosophies. We normally leave each other with an idea and then chew on that till the next stop. By now we should have solved the world's problems but hey, we're having fun. Yes this time and space does give one a new perspective on your life.
Quiver Tree
The question people ask of me is, what makes you tag along, what do you do! Well, it does take time and planning to keep all of this together but I tend to look at my life from a totally different perspective. In fact, this is one of the topics we raised today. When you are in your own country, let alone own space, you cannot completely distance yourself. Here it is more macro and uninterrupted as you do not have phones ringing, email, daily bump and grind to taint your thoughts. Nothing here is everything and these words cannot describe the release of self and spirit. So to all of you who question why this is done … ag shame! Well my moment is here in a campsite called Namakluft a chance that surprises on these trips. It was an option better than Sophie's cabins in Rosh Pinah which didn't look so kosher and then we took the road less travelled which led to a 14km dirt road with little expectation at the end but was the stuff that makes my toes curl with excitement. Sorry I don't expect you to understand. 
This is the coolest campsite thus far - for me anyway. It does not have cocktails, a la carte menu or air-conditioning, but it does have a full moon, no wind, a moonlit landscape to die for with moerkoffie and biskuit . We saw a rock lizard taking his chances with a mate in the toilets, all innocent. Alright, I'll stop my jabbering, I think you guys have realised by now that this place is the business! Load shedding has already occurred here along with suspended DSTV and Facebook log out. Bliss----wish you were here!!


  1. Mr Brookes!! Its eesa. I am sorry i did not post earlier been super busy.. I hope everything is going kind of smooth! and you still alive lol .... 6 hours one day!! dam i wish you and your arse goodluck for the res of the tour! ... BTW food for thought whilst cycling.. if you thinking about changing the world for the better know you are doing it just one student at the time :) !! Good Luck to you and CURT and with the Campaign !! Cheers

  2. Curt you paint a magic picture. Moerkoffie en biskuit reminds me of camping with my brother who is with the angels now. Absolute best time of the day!! Eugene, well done...that's some hard time in the saddle!! have my full blessing to show off as much as you like. Anyone tackling a route like this for such a worthy campaign is AWESOME!!!

  3. Man Oman-O-Man, with so much of the daily rush, I wish I was there.... Need to get away and recharge. Very jealous reading this. Nice one Curt
